
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

Rock climbing is one of the most popular outdoor sports in Boulder, Colorado.  Often these athletes present to our Physical Therapy clinic with both traumatic and overuse injuries.  Most commonly, these overuse injuries involve the upper extremity and cause decreased performance and loss of climbing days each season.  Each discipline of climbing including sport, bouldering,...

In prior posts we described risk factors for an initial episode of achilles tendinopathy including muscle imbalances, calf weakness (concentric and eccentric), and loss of mobility within the foot and ankle.  Once the tendinopathy is established, patients demonstrate significant deficits in range of motion, strength, balance, endurance, and jumping ability (Silbernagel et al. 2006).  These...

In a previous post we highlighted the importance of a dynamic warm up to gradually increase cardiovascular work, improve mobility, decrease injury risk, and improve performance.  Conversely, traditional static stretching has been shown to reduce run, sprint, and jump performance in athletes.  Clearly, these static holds should be held until an athlete’s cool down period after...

When we began playing sports, our pre game routines consisted of a cardiovascular warm up, some agility work, followed by static stretching (sustained holds >15 seconds of the muscles).  This type of stretching has fallen out of favor in the last decade because of the negative impact of static stretching on muscle performance.  Research has...

Basketball has one of the highest injury rates in sports with articles reporting up to 7-10 injuries per 1000 athlete exposures (Dick et al. J Athl Train. 2007).   As expected, the majority of these injuries occur in the lower extremity, in particular within the knee and ankle.  Authors report both overuse (tendinopathy) and traumatic (sprain,...

Athletic Injuries More than 10,000 athletes seek treatment for sports, recre- ation, and exercise based injuries on a daily basis(12). 7 million Americans received medical attention for sports and athletic injuries between 1997-1999(1). Incidence of athletic injuries has been reported as 15.4-25.9 injuries per 1000 in the population(2,3). 50-80% of these injuries have been described...