
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information
5 Tips To Improve Bone Density With Weight Training

In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we utilize the latest research findings to help patients achieve their goals.  Over the last few years we have successfully utilized the findings on utilization of weight training to improve bone density among at risk groups such as patients diagnosed with osteopenia, osteoporosis, as well...

Adding In High Intensity Interval Training To Your Weekly Aerobic Workouts

Aerobic exercise should be the foundation of your weekly exercise program performed most days of the week.  Significant mental, emotional, and physical health benefits are found with consistent aerobic exercise each week.  In recent years more academic research has focused on high intensity interval training.  Essentially alternating between high and moderate intensity bouts of aerobic...

Moving Beyond Core Exercises To Relieve Your Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common conditions we see in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics.  Our experts utilize manual therapy including spinal manipulation, dry needling, and high level exercise to help patients return to 100%.  Tests are performed to see which specific muscles in the core are strong...

Managing Saddle Sores In Cyclists

Saddle sores are a common issue for cyclists at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics.  These occur when the skin along the saddle and buttocks becomes irritated. This can happen due to factors like improper saddle size, poor bike short padding, and reduced core stability. Today, we’ll focus on core stability, assuming...

How Often Should I Take A Break From Sitting?

As a country we have become more sedentary due to technological advances at work.  Allowing employees to sit and work from a computer work station for most of their day without requiring much standing, walking, or physical activity in the workplace.  Medical evidence continues to identify uninterrupted, long duration sitting is the most hazardous of...

Using Spinal Manipulation For Boulder Back Pain Patients

Spinal manipulation may be one of the oldest forms of treatment in medicine dating at least back to Hippocrates.  This intervention is most commonly performed by Physical Therapists, physicians, and chiropractors.  In our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics our Physical Therapists have advanced training in the utilization of manipulation for both the spine and...

Ever hit the brakes on your cycling journey because of knee pain? You’re not alone. Knee pain is a common complaint, especially among cyclists, but it shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the ride. This guide dives into the most frequent causes of cycling knee pain and how physical therapy can help, empowering you to identify...

Treating IT Band Pain In Cyclists

Are you an avid cyclist experiencing discomfort along the outside of your thigh, especially during the bottom phase of your cycling motion? You might be dealing with IT band pain, a common issue among recreational cyclists. The iliotibial (IT) band is a thick band of fascia that runs along the outside of the thigh, connecting...

Concussion Increases Risk Of Future Knee Or Ankle Injury

Concussions are a common injury with an estimated incidence of 600 cases each year for each 100,000 people.  Previous researchers have found movement impairments in athletes following concussion which may contribute to the increased injury risk seen in concussed athletes vs. their healthy peers.  Researchers have found athletes who sustain a concussion are at a...

Non Surgical Treatments For Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse (or “POP”) occurs when the muscles and connective tissues that support pelvic organs weaken causing descent of the organ (or organs) from their original positions into the pelvic cavity. The type of prolapse depends on where the weakness occurs and what organs are affected. Organs can prolapse independently of one another or...