
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

In our previous posts we have detailed the risk factors for ACL injury and the effectiveness of Physical Therapy to reduce this risk especially among adolescents.  A percentage of athletes who return to sport will re injure their ACL leading to further surgeries and Physical Therapy.  A delayed return to sport allows the athlete more...

Athletes often return to sports around 6-9 months after ACL reconstruction and Physical Therapy.  In a previous ACL post we described how important these Physical Therapy sessions are to an athlete’s recovery.  Each session after surgery is designed to move the athlete closer to the all important return to play.  New research is showing how...

ACL injuries are on the rise across the United States as more individuals participate in athletic activities.  As described in prior posts, the majority of these ligament injuries do not involve contact but rather occur with deceleration and directional changes in sports.   Athletes with decreased strength, balance, and coordination are unable to dissipate forces placing...

Up to 250,000 athletes will sustain an ACL injury each year and the majority of these patients will require Physical Therapy before and/or after their ACL reconstruction surgery.  These athletes may be at risk of future lower extremity injuries either on their involved or uninvolved lower extremity because of inadequate physical therapy, poor movement patterns,...