
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

Women can experience a lot of undesirable symptoms during perimenopause, including reduced energy levels, dramatic mood changes, and incredibly uncomfortable hot flashes. Many also notice changes in their body composition, including the loss of lean muscle mass and increased abdominal fat. Put another way, perimenopause is stressful for everyone; however, it can be especially frustrating...

Should Women with Osteoporosis Engage in High Intensity Resistance and Impact Training?

Despite the fact that bones respond favorably to high impact exercise and high-intensity resistance training these types of exercise are typically avoided in women with osteoporosis due to concerns that heavy loading of ‘fragile’ bone may result in increased risk of fracture. The LIFTMOR trial (Watson et al 2017, J Bone Mineral Research) calls into...

Resistance training is an essential part of any training program due to its’ ability to reduce injury risk and improve sports performance.  Adolescents can safely resistance train if they are properly supervised and can perform movements correctly.  One of the foundations of any strengthening program is the squat.  The squat is an incredible training tool...