
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

October is American Physical Therapy Association’s Physical Therapy Month.  During the month of October Mend Physical Therapy will be offering complimentary sessions to Boulder County residents to discuss your injury or performance concerns. To schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our expert Physical Therapists click here  

In a previous post we highlighted the importance of a dynamic warm up to gradually increase cardiovascular work, improve mobility, decrease injury risk, and improve performance.  Conversely, traditional static stretching has been shown to reduce run, sprint, and jump performance in athletes.  Clearly, these static holds should be held until an athlete’s cool down period after...

Knee Pain Background Anterior knee pain is a term used to encompass many conditions affecting structures of the knee. The majority of these cases can be attributed to patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) or an abnormal tracking of the patella on the femoral groove secondary to changes in lower extremity alignment, muscle imbalance, or training errors...

When we began playing sports, our pre game routines consisted of a cardiovascular warm up, some agility work, followed by static stretching (sustained holds >15 seconds of the muscles).  This type of stretching has fallen out of favor in the last decade because of the negative impact of static stretching on muscle performance.  Research has...

Neck Pain Background Information Neck pain affects 10-15% of the population at any one time, with a lifetime incidence of 22-70% (1). Only 6% of patients with neck pain report resolution of symptoms at one year (2). A recent systematic review demonstrated the prognosis from idiopathic neck pain is poor (3) and 50-75% of patients with neck...

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis is a spinal diagnosis found in older adults and involves a narrowing of the canals in which the nerves exit the spine.  It can be found in either the central canal of the spine or in the foramen where nerves exit on each side of the spine.  Often these patients reports symptoms...

Lateral Elbow Pain and Lateral Epicondylalgia Lateral epicondylalgia, also known as tennis elbow, is an overuse injury involving the common origin tendon of the wrist and finger extensors. Patients with this condition often report pain in the lateral elbow exacerbated by gripping, lifting, or manipu- lating objects with their hands. Previously thought to be a...

Why to perform static stretching AFTER running: The ability of an individual to reach maximal performance in distance running is determined by VO2 Max (the body’s ability to utilize oxygen), lactate threshold, and running economy. Running economy is determined by the oxygen cost to perform a given aerobic activity a sub maximum level. Similar to...

Achilles Tendon Problems Achilles tendinopathy commonly occurs in runners and jumpers, with up to 50% experiencing the condition in their lifetime(1). Not all those affected are active with 33% of individuals reporting a sedentary lifestyle(2). Individuals with this condition report pain, stiffness, and loss of function with daily and recreational activities. This condition was originally...