
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

Strength training is an essential intervention we utilize in our Boulder Physical Therapy practice to rehabilitate all levels of running athletes. Previous research has shown significant benefits of strength training in runners on injury prevention, 50% less risk for future injury, and performance, primarily through improvements in running economy compared to their peers utilizing endurance...

Running is one of the most common recreational and athletic activities in Boulder, CO. Despite improvements in shoes, training methods, and exercise programs participants in this sport continue to see high injury rates most commonly in the lower body. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice we frequently treat these injuries to accelerate an individual’s recovery...

Runners are no strangers to overuse injuries, often stemming from repetitive microtrauma in the lower quarter. One less common but significant complaint is buttock pain, which can impede an athlete’s training and competition.  In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of hamstring-related issues in runners. Both Hamstring Syndrome and Hamstring Tendinopathy can cause that...

Running remains one of the most popular forms of exercise due to its’ convenience, low cost of entry, and aerobic efficiency. It is difficult to replace the same health benefits you receive from a 30 minute run with another mode of activity. Unfortunately the rates of running related injuries have not been reduced with improvements...

Cadence, or the amount of steps taken each minute, is a common and effective running assessment. This assessment can be done in both healthy and injured runners, but its’ modification is most impactful in the latter group. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice, we routinely utilize running gait retraining to reduce abnormal forces in the...

Up to 80% of recreational runners will experience an injury limiting training time or competition in a given year. Running injuries are multifactorial in nature with contributions from muscle imbalances, training errors, and running biomechanics. High magnitude and rates of lower limb loading have previously been associated with running injuries. In our Physical Therapy practice,...