
Will PRP Help With My Patellar Tendon Pain?

Platelet Rich Plasma continues to gain in popularity for the treatment of a variety of musculoskeletal conditions.  Currently, the clinical application of PRP significantly outpaces the amount of research backing its’ utilization in patients.  Explaining in part why this treatment is often not covered by insurance companies for the treatment of these conditions. Patients in...

Improving Knee Pain In Jumping Athletes

The knee is subjected to the biomechanics of the adjacent hip and ankle due to its’ location between two long bones lower extremity. These long levers can contribute significantly to a patient’s knee symptoms. In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy offices we commonly evaluate and treat the adjacent joints in the lower...

Patellar tendinopathy, jumper’s knee, is one of the most common chronic knee injuries found in up to half of all jumping athletes. Similar to other tendon injuries, patellar tendinopathy used to be referred to as a tendinitis but more recent research indicates a lack of inflammatory cells. Instead, an imbalance in loading (activity > recovery)...

Tendinopathies, the artist formally known as tendinitis, are common orthopedic and sports medicine conditions affecting both athletes and the general population.  Repetitive overload (overuse) of these structures creates a reactive followed by degenerative process in the affected tendon.  These injured tissues have not been shown to have significant numbers of inflammatory cells but rather show...

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is becoming a popular treatment for muscle strains, arthritis/cartilage injuries, and tendinopathies, but the evidence behind its’ use is limited. Specifically there is a lack of large human trials with randomization to both placebo injections and alternative treatments. Consistent with alternative treatments PRP’s clinical utilization is outpacing the evidence leaving many...

Knee tendinopathy, either in the quadriceps or patellar tendon, is a common source of knee pain among jumping athletes, but can occur in non jumping athletes or the general population as well. This overuse injury is caused by repetitive sub maximal loading of the knee through a bending range of motion. If the loading is...

Patellar tendinopathy (tendonitis) is a common sports medicine overuse injury most commonly found in jumping (volleyball, basketball) athletes.  This injury has been found in up to 40% of these athletes secondary to the repetitive forces applied to their tendons during their respective sports.  Repetitive loading, without adequate rest, is often found to be the cause...

Patellar tendonitis (tendinopathy) is common among jumping athletes requiring repetitive jumping, landing, and squatting movements.  This overuse injury was thought to have a inflammatory component (ex. tendonitis) but more current research supports the term tendinopathy.  This term indicates a disruption in tendon fiber characteristics and alignment leading to a loss of its’ tensile strength.  Resting...