
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information
In Defense Of The Kegel

A common question we discuss in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics regards Kegels.  First and foremost, Kegels are not always appropriate and are definitely not always enough in treating pelvic floor dysfunctions! Gone are the days of doing only Kegels on a table in a room. For all the reasons Kegels...

Should I Contract My Pelvic Floor While Jumping?

Quick answer: NO. Often what is seen clinically in those who experience urine leakage with something like walking, running, or jumping movements, is that these individuals will begin to clench and contract their pelvic floor during these activities to try to prevent leakage. While that seems to make logical sense, this technique often doesn’t solve...

Urinary Urgency and Frequency: Study Links This to Weak Hips, Not a Weak Pelvic Floor

One common symptom treated in pelvic floor physical therapy in our Boulder and Lafayette clinics is urinary urgency and frequency. These symptoms can be due to a number of musculoskeletal or nervous system dysfunctions: hypertonic pelvic floor or abdominal muscles, irritated pudendal or genitofemoral nerves, a high sympathetic nervous system state, learned behavior, etc. Patients...

Exercise and Prolapse: The Complete Guide

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is the descent or tissue laxity of the front (bladder), back (rectum), or top (cervical) aspect of the vaginal wall. With less support from connective tissue and muscles of the pelvis, the bladder, uterus, or rectum can press on the vaginal wall contributing to increased pelvic pressure or bulge sensation. The...

“Kegel’s” have become a household word in our country. You’ll hear the term talked about between friends and recommended by many medical providers. While it is a win that a pelvic health topic has become so popular, it is now time for the Kegel to get out of the limelight. There is a lot to...

Pelvic floor muscle strengthening is a specific type of training program, targeted to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that are responsible for maintaining continence, providing support to internal organs, and are important for sexual function. People with low tone or weakness of their pelvic floor, who are...