
Unlocking Strength and Health: Why Grip Strength Matters for Women

By: Erica Tran, PT, DPT, OCS In the world of fitness and health, one often-overlooked measure of vitality is grip strength. While it might not seem like the most glamorous indicator, research shows that grip strength is a powerful predictor of overall health, particularly cardiovascular health and frailty. This is especially significant for women, including...

Overhead Mobility For The CrossFit Athlete

By Dr. Ian Nay, PT DPT OCS Getting a barbell into a proper overhead position for movements such as the snatch and overhead squat can be difficult for many athletes; I know I personally struggled with this early on in my CrossFit career. The techniques described here are some of the best and proven methods...

Crossfit Modifications During Pregnancy

There has been a significant rise in female participation in crossfit over the past decade, thus increasing the chance that a portion of athletes will at some point experience pregnancy.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we frequently treat patients looking to stay active during and after their pregnancies.  Traditionally, high...

What makes a good warm up for CrossFit?

As a CrossFit Athlete, skier, runner, pickle-baller, or anyone in between, warming up is crucial to reduce the risk of injury and improve performance. There is a significant body of scientific research supporting the importance of task specificity and muscle activation during warm-up exercises to reduce injury and increase performance. Below we outline some considerations...

The squat is one of the most commonly prescribed exercises in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practice. With so many variations of this strength training exercise you may be wondering which exercise prescription is best for you. The squat in particular has two primary variations, the front squat and the back squat....

Which Squat Variation Is Best?

Squats are an integral part of lower body strength training and Physical Therapy from injury or surgery. At our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we also place emphasis on the importance of squats in helping reduce lower extremity injury. This exercise remains one of the foundations of exercise programs because of its’...

3 Simple steps to ensure shoulder health

This guest blog was written by our good friends at CrossFit Sanitas. When we think about what it takes to stay healthy and strong, many of us visualize all the work we do in class to lift, pull, push, roll, or otherwise move our own weight and/or the weight in front of us. It’s easy...