
How Often Should I Take A Break From Sitting?

As a country we have become more sedentary due to technological advances at work.  Allowing employees to sit and work from a computer work station for most of their day without requiring much standing, walking, or physical activity in the workplace.  Medical evidence continues to identify uninterrupted, long duration sitting is the most hazardous of...

Consistent Exercise Reduces Harmful Effects Of Reduced Sleep

In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy offices all of our patients are seeking care at Mend to get back to the activities they enjoy.  All of us would like to get more high quality life out the years we have left.  The research in this area can be summed up easily.  Consistently...

Women Who Participate In Strength Training Have Lower Risk Of Death

The vast majority of our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy patients participate in some form of exercise.  Based on the research, we expect these patients to have a longer life in years and, most importantly, a better quality of life.  Exercise can take many modes, but aerobic exercise and strength training remain the...

Brief Bouts Of Exercise Breaks From Sitting Shown to Improve Cardiovascular Risk

Allied health providers including Physical Therapists in our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics continue to research interventions to improve activity levels of patients. Continued research has documented the negative health impact of sedentary behaviors including prolonged sitting at work. Patients who sit for longer hours each day and/or longer bouts of sitting without movement...

Prolonged Sitting Each Day Associated With Increased Health Risks Regardless Of Exercise Amounts

Americans have become increasingly sedentary with marked reductions in daily, recreational, and occupational activities. The majority of occupations in today’s society have become reliant on the computer requiring employees to sit for the majority of the work day. In recent years, researchers have highlighted the adverse health risks including diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and...

Strength Training Associated With Reduced Risk Of Death From Cardiac and Cancer Causes

Strength training is an essential part of treatments at our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices. All patients regardless of injury, diagnosis, or ability level will perform a form of strength training to improve their performance or ability to perform the activities they enjoy. This valuable form of exercise continues to be studied...

Brief Bouts Of Vigorous Exercise During Daily Activities Are Associated With Reduced Risk Of Death

Vigorous exercise has significant health benefits above and beyond the benefits seen with moderate level exercise. The U.S. surgeon general recommends adults complete between 150-300 minutes of moderate exercise or 75-150 minutes of vigorous exercise each week. While many of our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy patients reach these levels, the vast majority...

Improving Obesity and Heart Health With A Plant Based Diet

Nutrition is a key component of health and recovery from injury and disease. Due to strong evidence on this link health care practitioners, including Physical Therapists, are being to prescribe adequate portions of fruits and vegetables in patients diets. In a previous blog post we described the beneficial effects of a lower processed diet compared...

Taking A Brief Walk After Meals Or Prolonged Sitting Shown To Improves Blood Sugar Levels

The percentage of Americans who obtain enough physical activity through their occupational activities continues to fall due to technological advances. Currently, a large percentage of Americans can work their entire day from the seated position leading to decreased short and long term health outcomes. Interestingly, research has shown an individual’s time spent in sedentary activities...

Dumbbells for Cardio? Absolutely!

Dumbbells have long been viewed as a tool for traditional body building style exercise for muscle growth and strength training. Most often they are used for isolated single joint upper body movements such as bicep curls and lateral raises. You will also see people using dumbbells to perform variations of an overhead press and a...