
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information
Using Spinal Manipulation For Boulder Back Pain Patients

Spinal manipulation may be one of the oldest forms of treatment in medicine dating at least back to Hippocrates.  This intervention is most commonly performed by Physical Therapists, physicians, and chiropractors.  In our Boulder and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics our Physical Therapists have advanced training in the utilization of manipulation for both the spine and...

The majority of patients presenting to our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics have used internet search engines on their symptoms.  Looking for quick answers they have asked questions on their diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options including Physical Therapy.  The internet remains a fantastic tool for free information given its’ seemingly endless webpages...

Dry needling is a treatment provided by Physical Therapists to relieve a patient’s muscular pain and associated symptoms. This intervention can be performed in both extremity and spinal regions within the body. Current research continues to investigate the mechanisms behind its’ effectiveness, as well as, the most appropriate patient populations and diagnoses for its’ utilization....