
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information
How Do Step Cadence Changes Affect My Running?

In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we are often asked about cadence by our running clients and patients. A recent study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research examined the effect of cadence training on running economy in a group of well-trained female runners. The authors looked at the runners...

Running is one of the most common recreational and athletic activities in Boulder, CO. Despite improvements in shoes, training methods, and exercise programs participants in this sport continue to see high injury rates most commonly in the lower body. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice we frequently treat these injuries to accelerate an individual’s recovery...

In our previous blog posts we have discussed the variety of interventions available to reduce the high injury rates seen among both novice and experienced runners.  Many of these interventions are designed to reduce the loading forces across the lower body at foot strike and push off.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice we commonly...

The analysis and implementation of different foot strike patterns among runners has grown over the last 10 years.  Changes in foot strike patterns have been shown to reduce loading through the leg and may help reduce the risk or symptoms associated with different running related injuries.  Many runners entering our Physical Therapy clinic state confidence...

In our Boulder Physical Therapy Practice, gait retraining is an effective intervention to reduce the abnormal forces which perpetuate many overuse running injuries.  Athletes are videotaped by Physical Therapists for bio-mechanical faults including alignment, stride length, step rate, and running technique.  The athlete is then given real time feedback to correct the faults associated with their...