
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

Postpartum runners potentially make up a large portion of community runners as most women participating in running events are of childbearing age. 35% of women returning to running after childbirth report running-related pain. In 2019, a group of international running experts developed guidelines for postpartum runners to safely and effectively return to running. This criteria...

Most running related injuries are overuse in nature and reflect the athlete’s decision to do too much too soon or too little for too long. Despite the significant risk reduction of a running related injury with strength training many runners continue to forgo this important component of a balance weekly training program. This form of...

Distance runners are a frequently injured group of athletes with up to 90% reporting a running related injury requiring time off from training or competition. Authors report low back pain is one of the most common sites of pain likely secondary to underlying core and hip weakness. Runners repeatedly land with 2-6 x times their...

There are few clinical examples that remind me of how far we have come in orthopedic Physical Therapy practice than assessing bony SI landmarks. As the popular clinical pendulum swung these landmarks were assessed in patients presenting with low back pain to hip pain and even to distant regions such as ankle and neck. Thankfully,...

Running related injuries are very common with studies reporting up to 90% of athletes reporting an injury preventing them from training or competition. Many groups including Physical Therapists are interested in reducing this injury risk through training volume modifications, shoe selection, strength training, and gait retraining. Despite popular internet opinions, research has not concluded on...

Injuries presenting to our Boulder Physical Therapy practice fall into two broad categories including acute, traumatic (sprains, strains, fractures) and microtrauma or overuse injuries (tendinopathy). This latter category is the most common, but may also be more preventable. Overuse injuries are created when a participant performs too much activity, too soon and the forces of...