
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

In our previous blog posts we have discussed the variety of interventions available to reduce the high injury rates seen among both novice and experienced runners.  Many of these interventions are designed to reduce the loading forces across the lower body at foot strike and push off.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice we commonly...

Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise due to its’ accessibility, low equipment cost, and health benefits.  As running popularity continues to grow, unfortunately so do the number of runners who miss a training session or competition due to injury.  These runners are not alone; as research has reported up to 90%...

There is currently a lack of consensus on the “ideal’ running form among running experts and researchers.  There are pros and cons to many running variables including foot strike, but one area of agreement includes the reduction of forces at foot strike.  Our previous blogs have described the importance of reducing vertical amplitude, peak forces,...

In our previous posts we have detailed many factors leading to high injury rates experienced among runners.  In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice, one of the most important factors to examine with any injured runner is their running gait.  Most of us were instructed as beginners in our chosen sports with the exception of cycling...

In our Boulder Physical Therapy Practice, gait retraining is an effective intervention to reduce the abnormal forces which perpetuate many overuse running injuries.  Athletes are videotaped by Physical Therapists for bio-mechanical faults including alignment, stride length, step rate, and running technique.  The athlete is then given real time feedback to correct the faults associated with their...