
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

Patients have a choice for where they attend Physical Therapy even if directed to a single PT practice by their physician. Unfortunately, physician owned physical therapy practices, either on or off site, are on the rise around the country and referrals are being driven to these practices due to financial incentives. These practices often utilize...

The step down test is an important Physical Therapy test to determine the ability of our athletes to stabilize their lower extremity in single leg stance.  Proper performance of this test requires adequate strength, balance, control, and mobility in the lower extremity.  Often athletes with lower extremity or spinal pain have a significant asymmetry in...

Ankle mobility is essential for both daily walking tasks as well as higher level athletics and sports participation.  In our Physical Therapy practice in Boulder we see a loss of dorsiflexion, bending, among athletes with lower extremity injuries and conditions.  A lack of ankle bend, dorsiflexion, has been associated with many conditions including heel pain, plantar...