
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

Why Aren’t Women Doing More Strength Training?

June 21, 2022

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Strength or resistance training targeting the major muscle groups of the body is recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine for all adults a minimum of 2 days per week. Loss of muscle and bone mass over time can have significant functional and health consequences in the transition to older adulthood. Because of the hormonal changes that occur in women during menopause, strength training is considered to be of paramount importance to women in order to prevent loss of bone mass associated with osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Walk into any gym and you will see the free weights area dominated by men. One study reported the ratio of men to women utilizing free weights in the gym was 27:1! Despite the numerous and necessary health benefits associated with strength training for women, women express a number of barriers to strength training (Vasudeval et al 2022). 

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Mend recommendations: 

  1. Work with a physical therapist or personal trainer knowledgeable about proper lifting form who also challenges you to lift weights heavy enough to induce muscle fatigue (this provides stimulus for positive adaptive change in muscles and bones). 

  2. Surround yourself with people that support your efforts in the gym to improve your strength and overall health. 

  3. Find a workout buddy, group or accountability partner. 

  4. Give yourself time with strength training. Consistent training results in significant gains in strength, body composition and health but these changes don’t occur overnight.

Please contact the experts at Mend if you are ready to get started on a strength training program to improve your health!