
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

Strengthening Cuts Hamstring Injury Rates In Half

July 1, 2019


Hamstring injuries are common and can occur in any sport with any athlete. The three muscles of the hamstring are put through rapid lengthening and shortening contractions making them susceptible to strains or minor tears. Due to the common occurrence of these injuries, it is important to target proper strength and conditioning regimes to decrease the risk of injury to this muscle.

A recent article by the British Journal of Sports Medicine investigated the available research on the effectiveness of hamstring strengthening utilizing the Nordic Hamstring Exercise and its’ impact on injury rates (van Dyk. 2019). The review included over 8,459 athletes and found when the athlete’s strengthening program included the Nordic Hamstring Exercises, the risk of injury to the hamstring decreases by 51%. As mentioned by a previous blog, the Nordic Hamstring Exercise recruits the hamstring more evenly with a eccentric contraction (contraction of muscles while lengthening) consistent with the demands of sport.

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