
No Differences In Muscle Strength Or Size Found Using Blood Flow Restriction After ACL Surgery

ACL injuries remain one of the most common sports injuries rehabilitated by Physical Therapists.  Athletes returning from ACL injury, treated either conservatively or surgically, face a difficult recovery period due to reduced agility, balance, power, mobility, and strength. Blood flow restriction (BFR) is a commonly used modality combined with exercise to improve muscle strength and...

ACL injuries are one of the most common sports injuries seen in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics.  Previous research on this injury has questioned the utilization of surgery for every patient with an ACL tear due to many returning to full function with Physical Therapy alone.  Authors and researchers have questioned...

ACL tears are one of the most common injuries in sports with between 100 to 200 thousand occurring in the United States annually. Female athletes are at a significantly higher risk than males in the same sport. This is most evident in soccer and basketball where females are 6-9 times more likely to tear their...

The vast majority of musculoskeletal conditions and diagnoses are not life threatening or time sensitive and allow for conservative treatments, including Physical Therapy, to be utilized prior to surgery. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice we commonly see outcomes consistent with the current research on the utilization of Physical Therapy instead of surgery for common...

Chances are high that if you suffered an ACL injury you are an active individual and nothing is more challenging for an active person than telling them that they cannot be active. Hopping and jumping are simple dynamic movements that are integral to sport activities. After ACL surgery, the knee requires systematic training and progression...

ACL tears are a common sports injury experienced during participation in team sports (basketball, soccer), as well as, individual sport (skiing) in Boulder. Despite utilization of Physical Therapy programs designed to reduce an athlete’s risk, incidence for ACL tears has increased by 77% and 19% in female and male athletes, respectively, over the last decade....

ACL tears are one of the most common sports injuries with over 100,000 ACL surgeries performed each year. In a given sport, females remain at a higher risk of injury than their male peers secondary to both non modifiable and non modifiable risk factors. Although Physical Therapy and conservative care have shown equivalent outcomes to...

Photo Credit: 1.  You have published a few articles on the utilization of strength and conditioning principles with Physical Therapy patients.  In my opinion, these valuable principles are under utilized in our profession.  In your experience, how can practicing clinicians improve their patient outcomes using these principles?   Well I think one of the...