
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

People with Patellofemoral Pain Have Impairments in Functional Performance

June 24, 2020

Patellofemoral pain, pain around the kneecap, is extremely common and impacts activities such as running, hiking and stairclimbing. In our previous posts on this condition we have discussed the efficacy of exercise in treating this condition.

A recent study (Nunes et al, Phys Ther Sport 2019) assessed performance measures correlated with hip muscle strength in individuals with and without patellofemoral pain. These measures included: timed stair climbing, single leg sit to stand and hopping tests. People with patellofemoral pain had moderate to large performance deficits for timed stair climbing, single leg sit to stand and forward hop tests. Interestingly, these performance deficits were most associated with deficits in dynamic hip muscle strength (10 repetition maximum) and power with no correlation found associated with hip muscle endurance and weaker correlation with isometric strength assessments, those commonly performed by physical therapists.

Based on these findings, the authors concluded that a progressive resistance training program that focuses on dynamic strength and power for the lower extremity muscles may be effective in reducing knee pain with functional activities such as stair climbing, squatting and running. Our M Powered exercise program for self-management of patellofemoral pain addresses both mobility and strength contributors per the latest medical research.

Contact the experts at MEND to determine if your hip strength may be contributing to your knee pain and how to design a targeted approach to recover.