
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

Spinal manipulation is one of the oldest forms of medical treatment dating to at least Hippocrates. Currently, three professions, including physicians, chiropractors, and Physical Therapists, practice this form of intervention. Medical evidence for this treatment is focused mainly on the treatment of musculoskeletal diagnoses including neck pain, headache, and low back pain. In general the...

Physical Therapy spinal and extremity joint mobilizations are slow passive movements applied to a patient’s joint surfaces. These interventions have been shown to decrease pain, improve range of motion, and increase the immediate force production of a targeted joint’s musculature. In our Boulder Physical Therapy practice, these joint mobilizations are performed with other manual therapy...

Neck pain is a common condition coming in just behind Low Back Pain in prevalence presenting to primary care physician and Physical Therapy practices. Neck pain is most effectively treated with a combination of manual therapy, including joint mobilization and spinal manipulation, as well as, mobility and strengthening exercises. Consistent with our musculoskeletal diagnoses manual...

Spinal manipulation, dating at least to Hippocrates’ writings, is one of the oldest known medical treatments. Currently, these treatments are commonly performed by Physical Therapists, chiropractors, and physicians to treat a variety of musculoskeletal pains. Evidence supporting spinal manipulation is primarily found in three areas: headache, neck pain, and low back pain. This data supports...

Knee arthritis is a common condition affecting many middle to older aged adults. Its’ prevalence makes it one of the leading causes of disability in our country preventing these individuals from participating in their life, work, and recreational activities. Physical therapy including patient education, manual therapy, and exercise remains a first line treatment for this...

Shoulder pain is one of the most common reasons patients seek the care of a primary care physician and Physical Therapist. Shoulder impingement or the compression of soft tissue structures, including the rotator cuff tendons, between the bones and ligaments of the shoulder remains the most common diagnosis behind these symptoms. Physical Therapy is the...