
Is It Safe To Practice Yoga With Osteoporosis?

A common question we receive in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy practices is in regards to the safety of exercise when diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis.  Some patients will ask, “Am I causing more damage by practicing yoga?” The answer is no! In fact, not only has yoga been shown to be...

Building Strength Vs. Building Hypertrophy

Studies show that individuals can build strength and muscle mass with similar training protocols. A recent review examined the difference between the two and found that training at higher intensities with heavier weights (greater than 60% of a 1 repetition maximum) can be more effective at building strength, while muscle mass can be built with...

Strength Training For Skiers

Strength training is an essential component of any skier’s fitness regimen and one of our key interventions we prescribe in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics.  Skiing demands high levels of muscular strength, endurance, and balance, particularly in the lower body. Strengthening the core and leg muscles helps skiers maintain proper form,...

Top 5 Tips For Losing Weight With Exercise

One of the top reasons participants start an exercise program is weight loss.  This goal is achievable with exercise but is much harder to accomplish compared to improved mobility, strength, or balance.  The difficulty of losing weight with exercise is also one of the leading reasons people quit their exercise programs after an initial 4-6...

Are Great Athletes Born Or Trained?

Most psychology 101 courses cover the interesting question of nature vs. nurture.  In short, how many of our current traits and abilities were we born with vs. influenced by the environment we were raised in by our families.  This question is extremely difficult to answer with 100% certainty especially in the world of health and...

5 Tips To Improve Bone Density With Weight Training

In our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics we utilize the latest research findings to help patients achieve their goals.  Over the last few years we have successfully utilized the findings on utilization of weight training to improve bone density among at risk groups such as patients diagnosed with osteopenia, osteoporosis, as well...

Adding In High Intensity Interval Training To Your Weekly Aerobic Workouts

Aerobic exercise should be the foundation of your weekly exercise program performed most days of the week.  Significant mental, emotional, and physical health benefits are found with consistent aerobic exercise each week.  In recent years more academic research has focused on high intensity interval training.  Essentially alternating between high and moderate intensity bouts of aerobic...

Moving Beyond Core Exercises To Relieve Your Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common conditions we see in our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics.  Our experts utilize manual therapy including spinal manipulation, dry needling, and high level exercise to help patients return to 100%.  Tests are performed to see which specific muscles in the core are strong...

What Is The Best Weekly Split For Muscle Growth And Muscle Strength Gains?

Strength training is an essential part of any weekly workout program.  Priority should be given to aerobic exercise first, followed by strength training, before participants pursue other forms of exercise such as stretching.  At our Boulder Physical Therapy and Lafayette Physical Therapy clinics strength training is an essential part of each patient’s recovery from disease,...