
Mend Physical Therapy Blog and Injury Information

Authors estimate close to 64 million adults in the United States have bunions on their first toe and 200,000 will elect for surgery to treat this painful area of the foot. The surgery is not without risk and around 15% of patients undergoing surgery will require a 2nd revision. Bunions are defined as an increase...

Distance runners are a frequently injured group of athletes with up to 90% reporting a running related injury requiring time off from training or competition. Authors report low back pain is one of the most common sites of pain likely secondary to underlying core and hip weakness. Runners repeatedly land with 2-6 x times their...

Despite improvements in coaching, training schedules, and running shoes the vast majority of runners can expect a running related injury in their career. The majority of these injuries are overuse in nature secondary to an overload of the injured tissue (muscle, bone, joint, tendon). In short, too much too soon without adequate time for tissue...

The muscles of the neck are responsible for movements of the head and shoulder blade, as well as, stabilization of the head on the neck during daily activities. These muscles must be capable of both low repetition, high force contractions as well as high repetition, low force contractions to accomplish these tasks. Patient’s with neck...

In a strength training exercises two main phases of the lift are experienced by the participant. The first is the concentric contraction involving a shortening of the muscle under load as the weight is moved to the end of the movement. The second or eccentric contraction involves the lengthening of the muscle under load as...

Pain on the front of the knee (patellofemoral pain syndrome) is the most common diagnosis behind knee pain and one of the most common conditions found in sports medicine and Physical Therapy clinics. Although multifactorial in nature, symptoms arise due to abnormal contact between the knee cap and the thigh bone at the knee joint....

Strength training is an essential part of any workout program. Participants should aim for 2 to 3 workouts per week targeting major muscle groups of the upper and lower body. Multi joint movements such as the squat or deadlift provide a more effective and efficient workout compared to single joint exercises (ex. leg extension machine)....